The Crowning Glory

Channeling, February 4, 2014

The portal to all universes is through the Heart.

The gateway to all beginnings is through desire, whether in conscious awareness or subconscious calling forth  that which the soul longs to experience.     

Your very Being came through the Heart of Creator; an expression of the One. 

Everything in existence, such an expression.

Within the Earthly realm many associations of the Heart do exist-  in loving, emoting, caring, nurturing, longing, empathizing…  infinite varieties of desire.

And the expression of the Heart plays out through music and art, dance and play; creation, relationship, communion. 
Thus, the Self experiences the many facets of Life through the desire and direction of the Heart.

In silence, the Heart is heard… resounding.

In stillness the pulse is felt reverberating.

The ebb and flow of the lifestream within the body, forming a circuitry of energy responding to perception and emotion; linked, coalesced, and bonded to the soul. 

Etched in the blueprint of life.

Finding your way back to Source– to remember your unique spark in the Heart of the Divine– is to awaken to the joy and bliss of Being!

Your Heart is the guide to such an awakening… 
Loving the unlovable,
Extending compassion for the unthinkable,
Embracing the untouchable,
Dreaming beyond all limitation,
Understanding the unfathomable…

The unconditional love of the Heart dissolves all paradoxes and extends beyond all barriers.
This is the Crowning Glory of Creation!
The Gateway to Infinity… beyond beyond.


We Create Our Reality