ZERO POINT: Vortex of Creation

In the Void no thing appears. The energies are not yet present for any purpose. All is neutral without charge: sans light, sans design, sans creational thought or pattern.

In the moment of intention, the spark of creational energies begins. And in that spark- the ignition of masculine and feminine aspects take root. The expansion and contraction begins. Movement, growth, direction- all determined by the thoughts and alignment with other creational forces surrounding the newly patterned existence.

In the ever-evolving Universe, all such creation blends and folds upon itself, in unison with infinite force fields. Insofar as you are capable of creation through purpose of thought, manifesting any desired outcome calls for this alignment with other causations in life.

Just as the garden seed cannot exist in a vacuum, so neither can what you desire exist in an environment that lacks the necessary elements to grow and develop. The soft petaled rose cannot flower amidst a barren dessert. The cactus blossom, however, flourishes in such surroundings. Thus, the balance of creation and environment a necessary co-dependency.

As science reveals, every action propels a re-action. Therefore be mindful of your desires- the thoughts which naturally emanate outward as creational sparks in your life field and beyond.

Carefully choose your outcome as the void has no such intention on its own. It is the blank tablet upon which the results are written in the moment of creation; the blueprint yields the outcome.

Align with the Heart’s goodness and unconditional love. Fuel your thoughts with right action and guidance to the fulfill your desires.

Draw upon the blank canvas with the awareness of your creational power as the life force, cultivator and harvester of dreams come true. And know that each day dawns a new tablet upon which to write or rewrite your life’s desires- evermore.

All such creation appears out of the void ~ the Zero Point. What you add or leave out determines what you will yield. What you create out of balance or imbalance will reveal itself in like manner. You decide. You choose.

And from Zero Point begin anew.


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