Unlock Your Divine Potential

DNA Genesis Activation Code Attunements

As a practitioner, I have seen firsthand the incredible power and potential that lies within our DNA. Our DNA carries the blueprint of our physical, emotional, and spiritual selves, and by activating and unlocking this potential, we can access a higher level of consciousness and understanding. Through the use of a powerful multi-dimensional attunement, I will help you tap into this power, opening up new pathways of energy and healing within your body and mind. Whether you're looking to overcome a specific challenge or take your consciousness to the next level, a DNA Genesis Activation will raise your vibration and unlock latent potentials.

Why wait? Sign up today and experience the life-changing power of DNA activation for yourself!

Are you ready to tap into your inner power and elevate your physical and multi-dimensional bodies to a higher level?

Transcend Your Limitations

A DNA activation is channeled and guided by the Higher Realms. The process involves activating latent coding and utilizing sacred geometric energies as the basis for this core transformation.

Some of the benefits you may experience from DNA activation include:

  • Intensified feeling of empowerment

  • Greater clarity of mind

  • Clearing of discordant karmic patterns

  • A stronger connection with your Higher Self

How Does DNA Activation Work?

Latent coding is activated through sacred geometric symbols, and this activation allows the attuned to more fully embody their divine frequency. This can result in an intensified feeling of empowerment, greater clarity of mind, clearing of discordant karmic patterns, and a stronger connection with one's Higher Self. These benefits can be crucial to stability during times of massive Earth Ascension shifts.

The activation process involves three parts/sessions: Clearing & Aligning, Activation, and Integration. Because of the high frequencies involved in an Activation, this attunement is done long distance, so that you are in the safety and comfort of your own sacred space (driving, for instance, is not advisable immediately following your session). However, the effect is palpable regardless of location, as Spirit knows no time or distance.

How to Get Started with DNA Activation

If you're interested in exploring a DNA activation, Linda offers this attunement for $333, and it includes three parts/sessions: Clearing & Aligning; Activation, Integration. There is also a two-payment plan available.